Why Temperance?

We, along with other organizations such as the American Temperance Society and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement, call for the government to raise a ban on all alcoholic drinks.  Alcohol causes many of the problems that we face in our society.  The only way to end problems like alcohol poisoning, governmental corruption, and crimes such as abuse or human trafficking, is to get rid of alcohol in our society.  Our efforts have built up a large supporting base, with more that 1.5 million members of the American Temperance Society alone.  Such large numbers are only the beginning, as our cause is finally being brought up to the national level, as Maine has executed a total prohibition on alcohol, as well as other locations throughout the US exercising similar laws.  We hope that the spreading of knowledge of the subject of alcohol will continue, and that our cause grows and flourishes with it.

The Temperance Movement

The temperance movement was when the public wanted alcohol to become illegal. To begin, they wanted to do this was because they believed that alcohol caused problems with the public. By 1855 the supporters of the temperance movement got thirty one states to make alcohol illegal, to some degree.  The states felt that alcohol was the major cause for most social problems within the public. Therefore, they decided to ban all kinds of alcohol with the exception of medical uses. The government thought that by doing this, there would be fewer problems.


During our campaign for the temperance movement many political cartoons were made to express how people felt about this debatable event. Including ourselves, many thought that prohibition would be a good including the author of this cartoon. In the cartoon above the author wrote Prohibition Party on the man’s arm. This is because the man is pressing down on octopus which is representing all the negative things alcohol directly causes. Including, partnership with thieves and political corruption. Obviously, these things are not good for our society and as the author portrays in his cartoon the only way to stop these things is to make alcohol illegal.

Pro-Temperance Arguements

There are many reasons why we are calling on the government to make a ban on alcohol.  Some reasons are that alcohol has caused political corruption, breaking of laws, trafficking of women, and gambling.  These things have not benefited our growing society and have caused much trouble for our people.  Political corruption is not a very good thing, as right now our government is not very strong because our country is still developing.  Alcohol makes it much easier for citizens to not realize what they are doing.  Consequently, many more people break laws while under the influence and make it hard for us to function as a proper society.  Also, trafficking of women is becoming more popular which is not positive for women and their families and friends.  In addition to the promoting of the trafficking of women, alcohol also contributes to domestic abuse and prostitution.  Gambling has also drained much income from people and is not an ideal way of life.  Finally, there are many dangers that are associated with alcohol, such as alcohol poisoning.  In all, there are an overwhelming amount of negative affects of alcohol.  This makes it easy for the government to decide what to do about this topic- ban alcohol.


Political Cartoon


This is another cartoon, one that accurately depicts the danger that alcohol is to society.  The bottles and kegs of alcohol are marching for a “Hun Rule Association”.  The Huns were known to be thieves and criminals, pillaging villages and killing innocent people.  In addition to the reference to the terrible Huns, this march has the alcohol proudly showing off the disgusting things that it does to society, leaving waste and ruin to where they come from.